Thursday, December 09, 2004

Black velvet

Ever tried sticking your nose up the sky? Literally? Till you see the cold azure sky, the sprinkling of stars, some bright. Stared so long that you get a little giddy. That it feels like a game from a childhood memory.
It came to me one such day. This feeling of being one. Of all humanity being one, the common denominator. A gurgling baby, wild laughter or the pain in teary eyes. The common thread running through all of us. Maybe there'd be more peace if everybody just looked at the night sky. And I go to sleep, with clouds between my ears.


At Friday, 21 January, 2005, Blogger small squirrel said...

have been reading your blog backwards, Prat...

I think about something similar quite often. I have loved ones all over.. and sometimes I lament that we cannot look up into the sky at the same time and see the moon, the stars, the expanse of deep nothingness...

I remember once, a long time ago, there was a boy I loved very much. We were separated by so many unthinkable miles. We used to talk often of the day that we would be near enough that we could see the moon together. By the time I had reached him, our passion had died out. I often wondered if it was because we never could look up and see the same thing...


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