Thursday, June 22, 2006

Butterfly and the Orchid farm

The tarmac is spotted with the traffic control people and airplanes from all over the place. All of it, all the people involved, makes this a perfectly functional unit. Watching all of it from behind a glass screen, she slowly flicks some of her hair that ventured too close to her eyes. Her tresses were just washed, and smelled of something sweet and nutty.
The long nails painted maroon gently flicked the stray strands behind her ear. The smell from the freshly painted henna lingered at her nose for a few moments before the tinkling of two dozen red and cream bangles she had on, distracted her senses.
She looked over her shoulder, past the guy in the mauve coloured shirt who had been working on his laptop ever since she came. She could tell from the corner of her eye that he even grimaced at whatever was going on in the screen from time to time.
No sign of him.
A middle aged man walks in, and checks her out sitting cross legged, in blue jeans that had faded from too many washes. That and a little white shirt, teamed with Sindoor and all those bangles. What a pretty sight.
She looked up an again, at an empty door way and picked up her juice bottle that she bought at the grocery store just before getting there. She shook it a little, since the bottle always says shake well before use, and also to estimate how much of it was left. Her fingers felt the circumference of the cap a couple of times, while she tried to decide if she should drink some. Fluids are good for you. But the thought of the door painted with the sign of a girl helped her take a decision against it.
The waiting area was fairly full now. A lot of people had walked in, some with looks on their faces that gave away a long day at work. The seat next to her was unoccupied, except for her handbag.
The guy in the mauve shirt was frowning again at his laptop and there was another man sitting close to her, discussing something in an alien tongue.
She put the palms of her hand together and looked at the intricately painted design on them. The henna had turned a deep brown, black almost. That is a good sign before a wedding, they say. She had on a kind that was a rage- called Zardosi. It was intricate and delicate silver work along with the other pattern. It added that certain touch. Like wearing a business suit over spaghetti trimmed with lace. The pattern in itself had so many things going on, almost as if each little portion of the palms of her hand had a story to tell.
Like the swan under the thumb.
The women who came to do the henna were beautiful in their own way- secretive, giggling among themselves in a tongue that she didn’t understand, and nice milk and cream complexion. They smelled of something she couldn’t put her finger on, and kept receiving text messages that made them flush just the teeniest bit.
She was jerked out of her train of thought when he sat next to her. He was in a light blue shirt and flashed her a smile that was unnerving because of how openly it said so many things. The way his dimple slowly and suddenly formed on his cheek delighted her in many ways.
He puts his hand over her chair, she leans back just a little and his fingers were around her shoulder.
Comfort at a little corner of the world.


At Thursday, 22 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congradulations on your wedding!!!

Henna and zardosi, sounds mughalai.. Hmm...I can actually smell them. you have the knack of observing the tinyest of things.

Just a stupid question. Ever been in love ?


At Thursday, 22 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@viper: it's that obvious, na?!!?!
@prat: darling, when the hell did you get married??! and when am i coming to see?

At Friday, 23 June, 2006, Blogger Inkblot said...

brilliant juxtaposition...loved the nuances

At Sunday, 25 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 mins after reading the last line.. i'm still all smiles...

At Monday, 26 June, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@nocturne - its pretty obvious. who is the lucky guy ?


At Monday, 26 June, 2006, Blogger naween said...

that sindoor and bangles must have made a good picture with the faded jeans[:P]

At Monday, 26 June, 2006, Blogger ... said...

I really liked the minute intricacies and observations. I had to look up 'henna,' but it's making sense now. Very lovely piece.

At Wednesday, 28 June, 2006, Blogger Swathi Sambhani aka Chimera said...

lovely lovely, i could get lost in such mushy stuff..

At Wednesday, 28 June, 2006, Blogger Sunny said...

Wonderful :)

At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger musafir said...

Wonderful :)

Like the relaxed air this post has. And the way your words stretch every second and every action out till the reader feels as if he/she is there, doing it.

And that business suit simile was spot on!

PS: Been away recently, hence the irregular commenting.

At Friday, 30 June, 2006, Blogger musafir said...

A minor objection though. The tenses felt a bit out of sync on second reading ... or is it just me being over-critical?

At Monday, 03 July, 2006, Blogger ruff nurse-du-jour said...

Thanks prat. Your pieces of prose and poetry are superb. They pierce straight through my heart.

It seems as if the cosmic universe has a way of mending things up. In it’s time, in it’s right pace, in it’s due manner, all to restore the balance of our minds, hearts, and souls. I’m really elated when I took the prime control of my life. It’s all too empowering, almost surreal to a certain point. It’s magical watching your own life unfold right your very eyes. There’s too much reality it’s even blinding. But in it’s unfolding I have found the uniqueness and the rarity the universe has in store for me. And all I have in my spirit is everlasting gratitude.

At Monday, 03 July, 2006, Blogger dobereinerr said...

Beautiful. Esp the last line. The intricate details even.


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